Are There Any Additional Fees Involved In International Shipping?

Products shipped from China
In some cases, there will be VAT (Value Added Tax), other taxes, customs duties and/or fees levied by your destination country. These additional charges for taxes or customs clearance charges are the responsibility of the recipient. Unfortunately, they cannot estimate what the charges may be since customs and taxation policies vary widely from country to country. For further details, please contact your destination local customs office or visit their official website. In some cases, customs clearance procedures are required; under these circumstances, delays may occur, which will affect our original delivery estimation time. Due to customs regulatory policies, please note that they are unable to list purchased items as a gift or write an amount lower than the actual product price.

Products with the “Shipped Locally” logo
For customers buying a product with the “Shipped Locally” logo, VAT is included in the product price and no import duties will be added by the destination country.

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