Does Cyber Florist Offer Holiday Delivery?

Please make your order in advance to ensure timely delivery on holidays. Cyber Florist cannot guarantee same-day or next-day delivery for the following holidays: New Year, St. Valentine’s Day, International Women’s Day.

If Cyber Florist receives a late order, they will do their best to deliver it on time; however, Cyber Florist may need to postpone delivery for one (1) day. Cyber Florist will contact you in advance to make sure this is acceptable to you.

Please note: if Cyber Florist receives an order for these holidays less than 48 hours before the delivery date they reserve the right to deliver it one (1) day earlier (December 30th, February 13th, March 7th) without additional arrangements. If this is unacceptable, please do not forget to mention it in the ‘Additional Info’ field.

*Please note that there is no delivery on January 1st and 2nd in most areas, so please try to send your gift for delivery on December 30th-31st or January 3rd-4th.

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