How Do I Cancel My Tomtop Order?

  1. If the order payment status is “Pending”, you can contact Tomtop to help you to change it to “Canceled”
  2. If the order has already been paid but is not shipped out yet, you can contact Tomtop to cancel the order and get a full refund.
  3. If the order has already been sent out, Tomtop cannot help you to cancel the order. You may choose to send back the unopened products after you've received them and Tomtop will refund the money upon their receipt of the returned item(s).

Please note that “ does not pay the return shipping cost on returned items, and they aren’t also responsible for goods lost during shipment when no tracking service has been supplied.” After receiving the returned goods, Tomtop will process your refund within 1-3 business days.

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