How Much Will I Pay In Shipping and Handling?

Shipping costs depend on an item’s weight, size and manufacturer. The easiest way to determine estimated shipping is to use the “Calculate Shipping” link on each of our product pages. Enter in the quantity and the five-digit zip code of your delivery address and you’ll be given an estimate. You don’t need to create an account or sign in to an existing account to use the shipping calculator, so it’s an easy guide while you’re browsing our product selection.

If you’re ordering several large items with freight shipping, you may notice a message below the “Calculate” button that reads, “Estimated Shipping & Handling Cost: Please call 1-800-260-2776.” Sometimes freight companies have discounts or additional fees for certain items ordered in large quantities. This process can be complicated, so it’s best that you work with us over the phone to get the lowest price on these large-quantity orders.

Remember, the shipping costs shown on the calculator are estimated. Some large items may incur additional costs like assistance with unloading, etc.

Your final shipping costs are shown during the “Shipping Review” step of the checkout process.

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