I'm Not Satisfied With the Item That I Purchased Before, Could I Return?

Incorrect, Defective or Damaged Purchase:

  • If you have received an item that has been damaged during shipment, please contact 2Modern Customer Care at (888) 222-4410 immediately.
  • Be sure to inspect all packages for damage before signing for the package.
  • If damage is visible, reject the shipment, be sure the driver notes the damage and contact 2Modern Customer Care at (888) 222-4410 as soon as possible. We will file a damage claim with the shipper, pick up the damaged item or ship a replacement or replacement parts as soon as possible.
  • For damages concealed at the time of delivery, promptly take photos of the damaged item and the packaging it arrived in.
  • If the item(s) sent was incorrect, or defective, please contact 2Modern Customer Care at (888) 222-4410 or email immediately. Please do not send back these items prior to contacting us.
  • If you have received a damaged product that can be remedied with replacement parts, and choose to return an item rather than accept replacement parts, you will be refunded the amount of your order less any unpaid shipping charges (see above).
  • Photos are often required and always suggested so that a claim may be made with the shipping company.

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