What Happens If My Postpay Service is Canceled Before the End Of My Contract Term?

If you're signing up for Postpay Service, you're agreeing to subscribe to a line of Service either on a month–to–month basis or for a minimum contract term, as shown on your receipt or order confirmation. (If your Service is suspended without billing or at a reduced billing rate, that time doesn't count toward completing your contract term.) Once you've completed your contract term, you'll automatically become a customer on a month–to–month basis for that line of Service.If you cancel a line of Service, or if Verizon Wireless will cancel it for good cause, during its contract term, you'll have to pay an early termination fee. If your contract term results from your purchase of an advanced device, your early termination fee will be $350, which will decline by $10 per month upon completion of months 7–17, $20 per month upon completion of months 18–22, $60 upon completion of month 23 and will be $0 upon completion of the contract term. For other contract terms entered into on or after November 14, 2014, your early termination fee will be $175, which will decline by $5 per month upon completion of months 7–17, $10 per month upon completion of months 18–22, $30 upon completion of month 23 and will be $0 upon completion of your contract term. If you cancel service, you may have to immediately pay off the remaining balance on any device agreement. Cancellations will become effective on the last day of that month's billing cycle, and you are responsible for all charges incurred until then. Also, if you bought your wireless device from an authorized agent or third–party vendor, you should check whether it charges a separate termination fee.

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