What If GourmetGiftBaskets.com Get an Incorrect Or Incomplete Address?

If GourmetGiftBaskets.com ships a gift basket to an incorrect address then it will be returned to us. Unfortunately, FedEx charges us a flat $15 fee to return the package, which GourmetGiftBaskets.com must in turn charge you. Once a package with an incorrect or incomplete address has left the building there is little they can do. On occasion GourmetGiftBaskets.com can reroute a package to the proper address for a fee of $15 but this is not always successful. Either way the package will be returned to us and must be sent back out for delivery. FedEx does not always call GourmetGiftBaskets.com to tell GourmetGiftBaskets.com that there is a problem delivering the package and they often do not find out there is a problem until the package is returned. In these rare instances, GourmetGiftBaskets.com will ask for your patience and promise in return to do everything in the power to make sure your gift basket arrives in perfect condition and as soon as humanly possible.

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