What is the Cancellation Policy?

You will receive a full refund as long as you cancel the booking before pickup in most case.

However, some supplier has other policies as well: Free cancellation up to a certain hours before pick-up time. If you cancel less than certain hours in advance, you'll receive a refund less than fully prepaid amount or you will receive no refund.  

If you cancel AFTER your rental is due to start, you will receive no refund. If you do not pick up the car (usually called a 'no-show'), you will receive no refund. Car hire companies call it a 'no-show' when you do not pick the car up, for example: You do not arrive at the arranged date and time, you do not have the right documents, or you're not eligible for the rental, or the main driver does not have a credit card with enough credit for the deposit. 

Some car hire companies may have their own cancellation policy, which you'll find in the terms & conditions of your booking.

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