What's the Shipping Information Of CarId?

CARiD ships merchandise worldwide using FedEx, UPS, DHL, & USPS. Many of the products on CARiD.com will ship for free; if you do not see the FREE SHIPPING icon under the product description, simply add the merchandise to your cart and enter your address to see real time shipping costs.

There are a few important things to keep in mind:

  1. Products may ship separately from different warehouses.  
  2. Available shipping methods vary depending on products and shipping destinations.   
  3. Merchandise that is in stock usually ships within 24-48 hours. Shipping time varies on items that are custom or made to order as they may have to be manufactured, painted, embroidered, or assembled.   
  4. "Free Shipping" applies only to orders shipped within the continental United States.   
  5. Shipments to Canada are treated as all other international shipments. It is the recipient's responsibility to pay all applicable duties, taxes, & brokerage fees.

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