Paperless Post Coupons & Promo Codes

Paperless Post FAQ

is Paperless Post Free? Can I Send My Card for Free?

Paperless Post has many designs that are free, if sent without any premium options added. You can send a free card to up 2,000 email addresses.

When you’re browsing card designs, look for the "Free" filter on the left hand side of the page, or above the first card result. The pricing of each card is also listed once you click into its thumbnail. If the card is free to send, it will say "Starting at Free."

Can I Un-send My Card?

Unfortunately, once a card has been sent it is not possible to un-send or retract the email.  If you have mistyped an email address, it’s possible the mailing will bounce back, giving you an opportunity to update the address on your Tracking page.

What Do the Statuses On My Tracking Page Mean?

When you send a card through Paperless Post, you have the ability to see when your recipients receive, view, and reply to your mailing by checking your recipient statuses on your Tracking page. Refresh the Tracking page to see updated statuses.

RSVP events will progress from Sending > Sent > Opened > Attending or Regrets.

All other event types will progress from Sending > Sent > Opened.

How Do I Export My Address Book?

You can export a spreadsheet of your entire Address Book by clicking on the CSV button in the upper right hand corner

Can I Copy and Paste a List Of Emails Into My Add Guests Delivery Page?

You can copy and paste a list of names and emails to create your guest list for sending!

On your Add Guests delivery page, click on the Email List link to get started.