How Long Will It Take for Me to Receive the Refund Of My Returned Product?

  1. The entire return request to refund completed journey will take 15 - 18 business days
  2. FabAlley will pick up the return within 4 - 7 days from the request placement date
  3. The return takes about 6 - 8 business days to reach our warehouse
  4. Once the returned product is received at warehouse and passes all the necessary quality checks, FabAlley will issue a refund to you. FabAlley will send a refund confirmation e-mail to you once they process the refund at our end, and it will take 3-4 business days for the amount to be credited into your account
  5. In case of any refund discrepancies, FabAlley may at its sole discretion, request you to share with us a screenshot of your bank statement

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