Waht is the Cancellations Policy Of SuperShuttle?

SuperShuttle understandS your travel plans may be subject to change, which is why SuperShuttle offerS a simple way for you to cancel your reservation via website, on our mobile app, or by calling 1-800-BLUE VAN(258-3826) anytime, day or night.

Regardless of how you made your reservation, simply give SuperShuttle two (2) hours’ notice prior to your pickup time, and SuperShuttle will give you a full refund of your fare. For reservations made via phone, the booking fee is non-refundable. SuperShuttle is unable to refund payment if cancelled with less than two hours’ notice prior to pickup time or in the event of a no-show.

Refunds normally show on your account within three (3) to five (5) business days. Credit card refunds are submitted to the financial institution within one (1) business day; check with your financial institution for more information.

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