What is the Privacy Policy Of Musicnotes?

Musicnotes is strongly committed to protecting your privacy. The information they collect about you is used only to process orders and personalize your shopping experience.

When you order from Musicnotes.com, Musicnotes need your name, address, e-mail address, credit card number, and credit card expiration date in order to charge for and deliver your selections. Your credit card information is encrypted during processing and is only retained on theirr server if you specifically request Musicnotes does so. All customer information is stored in a secured database, only accessible to employees with access rights to this information  

Musicnotes log all their web site's traffic, including pages visited, web browser used and originating IP address. Musicnotes will keep these logs on a separate, secure system, with access restricted to our system administrators. Musicnotes use this information for troubleshooting and support. For instance, if you report a problem, Musicnotes may search their logs to diagnose what happened to you.   

Musicnotes also save what searches our shoppers perform, but they do not save which customer did each search. Musicnotes use this information in aggregate for internal marketing research.  

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