What Does Musicnotes.com Do With the Information I Give Them?

Musicnotes is strongly committed to protecting your privacy. The information they collect about you is used to process orders and personalize your shopping experience.

When you order from Musicnotes, Musicnotes need your name, address, email address, credit/debit card number, and credit/debit card expiration date in order to charge for and deliver your selections. Your credit/debit card information is encrypted during processing and is not stored permanently on our computers. All customer information is stored on systems protected against unauthorized access.  

Musicnotes.com does not rent, trade, or sell the personal information you give them. Musicnotes may provide aggregate statistics about their sales, website traffic patterns, and site visitors to reputable third parties, but this data cannot be identified with any specific individual. In special circumstances, Musicnotes.com may release personal information to law enforcement agencies if necessary to comply with the law or protect the rights, property, and safety of Musicnotes.com, users, or others. By using the website, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Musicnotes, Inc.

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