How Orders are Shipped on Ghirardelli?

FedEx will deliver your order. Deliveries may be sent to addresses only if they are within the 48 contiguous states. Shipping options include Standard Shipping (usually 1-9 business days), Second Day and Next Day. Regretfully, Ghirardelli cannot ship to P.O. boxes. Shipments returned due to an incorrect shipping address will require an additional charge for reshipment. Ghirardelli is not responsible for delays in delivery times due to incorrect or incomplete addresses. Shipping charges will not be refunded for late deliveries if the business is closed or not available to receive the package when delivered.

When shipping to a hotel or hospital, please verify discharge/checkout times and make necessary arrangements with the delivery location to ensure delivery to recipient's room. Ghirardelli is not responsible for packages misdirect after delivery.

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