How Do I Get the HP Driver?

If you cannot find all the available print settings, you might not have the full feature HP driver installed on the computer. Download the latest driver from the HP Software and Driver Downloads page.

  1. Turn on the printer. 
  2. If your printer is connected to the computer with a USB cable, disconnect the cable from the printer.
  3. Go to HP Customer Support - Software and Driver Downloads.
  4. If prompted, select a method to identify your printer model, and then follow the on-screen instructions to go to the download page.
  5. Click Download next to the full feature driver.
  6. Use the HP Download and Install Assistant for a guided driver download and installation, or select Download only to manually open or run the driver file through your Internet browser’s download tools.
  7. During the installation, select the Typical or Recommended type of installation when prompted by the software installer. If you choose a Minimum installation, read the description of each software component carefully to avoid unintended loss of printer functionality.

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