How Long It Takes to Receive My Order?

All items are in warehouse, The processing time is separate from the shipping time. Usually, it takes 1-2 business days to processing the order. Occasionally, the higher quality items might have a slightly longer processing time in addition to the 5 business days. Jeulia will provide the checking number or delivery message once they shipped out the items,please pay attention the your email.

Jeulia provides free shipping worldwide.Standard Shipping fee depends on the country and total weight of items in your order.Usually it will need 6-18 business days by free shipping,and 5-12 business days by stanadard delivery, the standard shipping mehod include DHL globalmail, UK direct line, AU direct line, EU direct line. If you choose express delivery, the shipping method should be DHL, EMS, FEDEX. the delivery time will be 5-7 business days.

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