What is the Shipping and Delivery Details Of Michael Todd Beauty?

MICHAEL TODD ships via the United States Postal Service to more than 100 countries. Delivery times may vary depending on destination and are listed by country. Please be advised that tracking information is not available on International shipments. Be sure to provide Michael Todd Beauty with a complete shipping address as they cannot be responsible for customer-entered shipping address that may be incorrect or incomplete. Items returned for this reason will not be eligible for a refund.

All International Orders. Shipping and handling of US$19.95 applies to orders up to US$100 and is FREE for orders over US$100 (regular delivery), Monday through Friday. Purchases for delivery to destinations in certain countries may be lost in transit and estimated delivery times may exceed our stated estimates. USPS does not guarantee delivery in Italy, Ukraine, Portugal, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Turkey, Cyprus and the countries of the Middle East. Therefore, Michael Todd Beauty will apologize as refunds or replacement packages will not be issued for purchases which are lost in transit and highly advise to take this into consideration before purchasing.  

VAT and Duty. Orders for delivery to destinations outside the U.S. may be subject to VAT and Duty levied once the order reaches your country. You the customer are responsible for these charges. If incurred, VAT and Duty must be paid before your package will clear customs. Michael Todd Beauty cannot make adjustments to your order to avoid these charges. When customs clearance procedures are required, this can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates. Orders refused for delivery due to failure or refusal to pay VAT or duty charges are not eligible for a refund.  

Shipment will normally be made within 2 business days after receipt of purchase order by 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time excluding weekends and holidays. Be sure to provide us with a complete shipping address, including postal code. Michael Todd Beauty cannot be responsible for customers entering incomplete or incorrect shipping addresses. Packages returned for this reason will not be eligible for a refund and may incur a separate reshipping fee to have the packaged shipped to you a second time.

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