How Do I Shop Online?

  • Place an item in your shopping cart by clicking on the 'Add To Shopping Cart' button which is located below the product description on each product page. 
  • Choose Checkout Button at the bottom of your shopping cart after you are done shopping. You can also choose "Express checkout with Yahoo wallet" but you must register through Yahoo after clicking on this button or provide your Yahoo account login. Prior to checking out, you can also Register to create a login and password for easy repeat ordering, so you don't have to re-enter information every time you order. 
  • Complete the checkout process by providing billing and shipping information. If you have a Coupon / Promotional code that can be redeemed from this store, please enter the offer code in the box "Coupon / Promotional Code" and click "Apply." 
  • Submit a valid credit card. You can also choose the Check/Money Order payment option but you must write a check payable to and mail it to our address. Entirely Pets will ship your order upon receipt of payment. 

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